Erasmus Projemize Katılımcı Aranıyor

İtalya'nın Celano kentinde 5-13 Haziran 2017 tarihleri arasında Tırmanış, Yürüyüş, Spor, Çevre ile ilgili ilgili "AVRUPA DAĞ HAFTASI" isimli Erasmus projemiz kabul olmuştur. 
18-26 yaş arasında 3 katılımcı ve yaş sınırı olmayan 1 ekip lideri başvurularınız sonucunda belirlenecektir. 

SON BAŞVURU TARİHİ: 16 Nisan 2017, 23:59

Başvuru linki;

Projemizde Erasmus kuralları geçerlidir (yeme, içme, konaklama, etkinlik masrafları %100 karşılanacaktır. 170 Eur yol ödemesi yapılacaktır.) 

Not: Pasaport ve vize işlemlerinden katılımcının kendisi sorumludur. Davet mektubu tarafımızdan temin edilecektir.

Seçilen katılımcılarla iletişime geçilecek olup, fb sayfamızdan paylaşılacaktır.

Name: European Mountain Week
Dates: 5-13 June 2017
Partners: Turkey, Italy, Latvia, Spain, Armenia, Albania ( 49 participants )
Reimbursement; 170 per participants for Turkish 
Summary; EMW wants to promote sports and their values , as well as the culture of mountain
through non-formal learning, cultural activities, sports, accompanied by complementary
activities such as laboratories, gaming, discussion sessions etc. The exchange aims to
promote knowledge of the various artistic and figurative languages connected to
montainous sports and values. In addition, it wants to transversely promote the history
and traditions of Central Italy's inland countries and environmental education among
young beneficiaries through the organization of cultural, sporting and entertainment
events. To the participants will be given the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills
on the project topic through educational activities together with sports activities in the
mountains that make up for an innovative and interesting combination.
Aims, Objectives;
-Promote the values of sport among youth,
-Sensitize participants to the importance of safeguarding of sourronding environment, open-air sports and mountains,
-Promote intercultural communication and understanding,
-Promote the partcipants' self-esteem, initiative and creativity,
-Provide activities that contribute pedagogically to the participants'
integral and harmonious development,
-Encourage interpersonal and solidarity relations among participants, appealing to their critical sense and sportenvironment consciousness,
